Group Chatting with P2P File Transfer

2 minute read


  • Term project in Embedded OS course (Undergraduate)
  • Chatting program that have with P2P file transfer function
  • If you want to know more information about its source code, visit my Github


  • Design Server-Client architecture with socket programming (Developed with C language)
  • Using TCP/IP protocol (Transfer layer in OSI 7 layers) in communication
  • Based in Ubuntu server, so need to know Linux command and vim code editor


  • This project is required port assignment to build up server and client
    • In this project, it needs 1 server and 2 clients (Server ↔ Client#1, Client#2)
  • To implement this program, it should be followed step by step process
    • Server-Client Model
    • Group Chatting
    • P2P File Transfer

Server-Client Model

  • Properties
    • A user accesses the server
    • Each user has to log-in the server with ID/PW
    • Background for implementing group chatting
  • Model structure

    Server-Client model structure
    Server-Client Model structure
  • Key Idea

    • How much know about fork() method

    • fork()

      • Create child process from parent process (Copy-Paste form)
  • Result

    Server-Client model result
    Result of Server-Client Model

Group Chatting

  • Properties
    • 1 server, 2 more clients architecture based on Server-Client Model
    • In this part, several fork() calls are required
  • Model structure

    Group Chatting Model structure
    Group Chatting Model structure
  • Key Idea

    • There are many other methods to implement Group Chatting, Client#1 ↔ Server ↔ Client#2

    • For me, I used pipe() method. Refer more about pipe()

    • pipe()

      • Connection between two processes, useful for communication between related processes
      • Parent and child sharing a pipe
    • My Group Chatting architecture using pipe() method

      Group Chatting system architecture
      Group Chatting architecture - pipe()
  • Result

    • Server

      Group Chatting Model-Server result
      Group Chatting Model-Server result
    • Client 1

      Group Chatting Model-Client1 result
      Group Chatting Model-Client1 result
    • Client 2

      Group Chatting Model-Client2 result
      Group Chatting Model-Client2 result

P2P File Transfer

  • Properties

    • When log in, make clients are sending their P2P IP/Port#
    • If a special msg(e.g., “[FILE]”) is received, a P2P file transfer process is starting
    • P2P file transfer process - when Client#1 require file transfer to Client#2
      • Client#1 receive file lists from Client#2
      • Client#1 choose file, and send file’s number to Client#2
      • Client#1 receive file successfully
    • P2P Server-Client is newly generated with P2P IP/Port#. (additional fork() calls are required)
    • In P2P network, there are no master-slave relationship
      • So original communication(Server) need to be disconnected and direct communication between client1,2 should be established
  • Model Structure

    P2P File Transfer Model structure
    P2P File Transfer Model structure
  • Key Idea

    • There are many other methods to implement file transfer

    • For me, I used dirent.h header file to show file lists of Client

    • dirent.h

      • Header file that can handle directory files

      • Structure

        • struct dirent {
            long d_ino; 	//l-노드 번호
          	  off_t	d_off;		//offset
          	  unsigned short d_reclen;	//파일 이름 길이
          	  char d_name[NAME_MAX+1];		//파일 이름
      • Usage function (In this project)

        • opendir()
        • readdir()
        • closedir()
    • About file transfer between Client#1 and Client#2, I devised some trick(?) solution

      • When Client#2 send file lists, send its content additionally to Client#1
      • So if Client#1 select one file, then it can be reasonable to create requested file in Client#1 itself
  • Result

    • Server - User1(client1) request [FILE]

      P2P File Transfer Model Server result
      P2P File Transfer Model result - Server
    • Client#1 - Change P2P network and Select ‘a-2.txt’ file that is third in file list

      P2P File Transfer Model Client#1 result
      P2P File Transfer Model result - Client#1
    • Client#2 - Change P2P network in IP/Port#1 of client#1 and Send file list

      P2P File Transfer Model Client#2 result
      P2P File Transfer Model result - Client#2

Development Environment

  • Putty - Ubuntu Server (OS : Linux)
  • WinSCP
  • Vim - Code Editor (Used C language)


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