KeunJu Song

Keun Ju Song


  • 2021~ Integrated Ph.D./M.S. in Electronic Engineering

    • Current member of NICELAB
    • Sogang University, Seoul, Korea
  • 2015~2020 B.S. in Embedded System Engineering

    • Thesis: PHODO - a Machine Learning-Based Face Tracking System
    • Tech University of Korea (TUKorea), Siheung, Korea

Research Interests

  • Renewable Energy Forecasting
  • Deep Learning
  • Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Federated Learning

Awards & Honors

  • Academic scholarship on the Dean’s List, Tech University of Korea, Korea (Dec. 2018 ~ Aug.2020)
  • The First Prize : CP-CoP Competition, Tech University of Korea, Korea (Dec. 2019)
  • WorldClass Enterprise Association chairman’s award : 20th Industrial Technology Exhibition, Tech University of Korea, Korea (Oct. 2020)
  • Encouragement Prize : Result Performance of Tech University of Korea LINC+, Tech University of Korea, Korea (Nov. 2020)

Project experience

  • A Study on the Distributed Intelligence System for Energy Privacy Protection Based on Federated Learning, funded by NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea), 2021.9 ~ current

  • Development of technology for home energy diagnosis and autonomous control, funded by KETEP (Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning), 2019.10 ~ current

  • Smart City Energy Data Prediction/Analysis and Visualization, funded by KEPCO (Korea Electric Power Corporation) KEPRI (Korea Electric Power Research Institute), 2019.7 ~ current

  • Development of an IoT-Based Smart Management System for Individual Sewage Treatment Facility, Tech University of Korea, Korea / Assisted Development of ADC and NB-IoT protocol, 2020.06 ~ 2021.01


SKJ’s Curriculum Vitae